We are thrilled to welcome you to our worshipping community as we celebrate Mass daily. We invite you to come and worship with us!
Our Lady Star of the Sea
2651 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City
Weekend Masses
Saturday – 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday – 7:30 AM (English)
Domingo – 10:00 AM (Misa en Español)
Sunday – 6:30 PM (Vietnamese)
St. Nicholas of Tolentine
1409 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City
Weekend Masses
Sunday 12:00 PM (English)
Weekday Masses
Monday – Friday 7:00 AM (English)
Monday – Friday 5:15 PM (English)
Tuesday – 6:30 PM (Vietnamese)
Miércoles – 7:00 PM (Español)
Starting 30 minutes before each evening Mass Monday thru Saturday,
ending in time for the priest to prepare for Mass.
Confessions are also available by Appointment at the Parish office.